• Wordpress Website

    1300 Apprentice , A WordPress Based Career Website

    Apr 02, 2013


    1300 Apprentice offers apprenticeships traineeships for students and fresh graduates. The business also specializes providing information regarding standard interview procedures and how to score jobs. Considering the business nature, our WordPress developers instantly knew that it needs a web presence that is professional and at the same time warm and friendly., which also specialises in providing PSD to WordPress services, came up with the idea of developing a website that would cater to the needs of students in a very welcoming way.
    The entire theme of the website is kept to blue and yellow on white background. Both colours are used for banners and fonts on and off, giving the website the much needed appeal.
    The Home Page
    Visitors land on the Home page where they are greeted by a welcome note. On the top, there is the logo of the company followed by a Newsletter sign up tab on its right. Below are the tabs to explore the website followed by a slideshow just beneath it.
    Below the slideshow are four columns meant; Traineeships, Apprenticeships, Employers and Hot Jobs. Also on the Home page there are two boxes on the right, one giving out information regarding latest positions available while the other is a free career appraisal form.
    Other Pages:
    Job Seekers: The tab has a dropdown menu with categories. The page offers insight for job seekers.
    Traineeships: Again, there is a dropdown menu and the page gives information regarding traineeships offered by 1300 Apprentice.
    Apprenticeships: Similar to Traineeships, this page offers information regarding Apprenticeships and the ones available.
    Browse Our Candidates: As the name implies, the page has profiles of registered candidates for employers to scrutinize.
    Host Employers: The page is for employers who are willing to work with 1300 Apprentice.
    OH & S: A page giving an overview of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws in New South Wales.
    Resources: Gives important information to job seekers regarding the interview process and health and safety measures.
    About Us: A simple page giving a brief regarding the business purpose.
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