• Arthur Murray , A Marvel from the Den of Expert WordPress Developers

    Mar 19, 2013

    Arthur Murray’s website is the prime example of an innovative and classy WordPress based website by professional WordPress developers at To be in line with the business’ artistic and creative nature, the entire theme was given an unmatched look and visual appeal, with several boxes with pictures on the Home Page, a blend of vibrant and bold colours such as black, blue, brown and yellow, and tabs that are simply elegant enough to depict the company’s nature of work.


    The website is the brainchild of wordpress developers at, which provides PSD to WordPress services at their best. This website has a lot to explore. From the Home page to every other page in the website, creativity outshines every other website in the industry. With pictures of the dance school to pictures of the several events they have held, this website surely knocks with innovation and amusement.

    Here is a breakdown of the pages:

    Home Page

    The Home page has a huge slideshow right in front with tabs and logo of the business on top. Just below the slideshow, there is an information form for students to get started. Scrolling down takes visitors to boxes with images and tabs to other pages. For instance, the ‘New Student Offer’ box has an exciting picture of a couple dancing with a small tab at the bottom saying ‘Dance Now’. You can get a similar website too if you hire WordPress developers who are able to provide you with such excellent services.

    Other Pages

    Visitors can access other pages through the top tabs.

    Franchise: This page is a lengthy content rich page informing visitors of the achievements and story of Arthur Murray’s dance school. Visitors interested in franchising with Arthur Murray can use this page to get in touch.

    History: Contrary to the usual, the History page is a visual marvel, taking visitors through the history of the business with an exciting visual layout; images coupled with texts.

    Dancing: The Dancing tab has a dropdown menu taking users to three different pages: Dances We Teach, Benefits of Dancing and Dance FAQ’s.

    Dance Gallery: The Dance Gallery page is a must to check out. The page offers a collection of pictures right from the start of the business to date.

    Locations: The Locations tab has a dropdown menu directing users to two different pages: Headquarters and Studio Locations.

    All pages have a black and brown theme, to make sure the website has a pleasant and chic appeal.

    If creativity is the spark of your business then you need to have a similar website too. Hire our professional wordpress developers to make sure your website is as lively and professional as your business.