• Build Nutrition , WordPress Development for a Health Supplement Brand

    Apr 08, 2013


    Build Nutrition is a revolutionary supplement for to-be mothers. Such a breakthrough required more than just a standard web presence. It not only needed attention but also required a warm and encouraging WordPress web design to convert visitors into customers. WordPress developers at developed a plan to make sure all the requirements of the project were served well.


    The web design is simple and pleasant. Our WordPress developers used green and blue for headings, logos and banners. Pictures of mothers with children were showered all around. The website was kept simple yet strong enough to leave an impression.

    Home Page

    Visitors land on the Home page that has banner right in front with an image of a mother caressing her child. This banner has the banner of Build Nutrition on the right with tabs to other pages on top. Below the banner are three columns, each giving out information regarding the supplement.

    On the bottom right, visitors can find a small form for newsletter regarding the product.

    Other Pages

    There are five other pages in the website.

    Our Promise: This page talks about how the supplement works and the payment policy.

    The Formula: The page gives important information regarding the product usage and formula.

    How We Give: This page talks specifically about the partnerships of Build Nutrition with non-profit organizations.

    FAQ: As the name implies, the page answers common questions regarding the product.

    Buy Now: Along with benefits and information, has a buying form.

    If you need a similar WordPress development for your product(s), then hire WordPress developers from Your web presence means a lot and we are the ones who can give you a WordPress website that will outclass your competition.