• Little Sardines – An Amusing and Creative Ecommerce Website based on Magento

    Apr 29, 2013

    Developing an ecommerce website selling toys and children’s accessories can be a little tricky for the average ecommerce website developer out there, but not for us., a highly dedicated ecommerce website development company, developed a creative and fun design for Little Sardines, a website aimed at providing toys for kids.


    The entire website has light blue as its main background colour, with accents of dark blue, yellow and pink used to highlight specific areas. Throughout the website, creative highlights can be found such as the flying balloon for the phone number on top of the Home page.

    Home Page

    Visitors land directly on the Home Page where they are greeted with a one-line Welcome message right under the tabs. On the top right, there are links six pages of the website giving information regarding the business process. Under these tabs are the search bar and the contact number of Little Sardines, followed by yet another array of tabs directing users to product category pages. Below these tabs are links to My Account, My Wishlist, Banner, My Cart, Checkout and Blog, with a log in tab on the right.

    Right in the centre of the page is a slideshow, giving users a glimpse of the toys being sold by Little Sardines. Below the slideshow, users will find promotional offers presented in rectangular boxes with accents of pink and white. An amusing way of grasping customer attention!

    Finally, at the bottom, there are social media links of the company, links to pages like FAQs, Delivery Information, Returns and Funds and Contact Us.

    Other Pages:

    About Us: The page gives an overview of the company, its products and team.

    Testimonials: As the name implies, the page provides testimonials of customers for the business.

    Blog: The page takes users to the company’s blog, where useful information regarding the business and promotional material are published.

    Delivery: A simple content-rich page giving details on shipment.

    Our Suppliers: The page gives an overview of the brands that are available through the website.

    Contact Us: Gives out contact information of the company.

    Baby and Toddler: The tab has a dropdown menu with categories to select from.

    Girl’s Toys: A simple product page with all the items listed in a neat way on the front. Also, on the left is a list of brands, and age selection and gender selection options.

    Boy’s Toys:Products and categories are displayed exactly as they are displayed on the Girl’s Toys page.

    Toys by Category: More or less the same as the Girl’s Toys page, with the exception of categories on the left in the menu.

    Award Winners: The page displays a selection of the best toys available on the website.

    Although the subject in dealing was a little tricky to maintain, it was managed well by our Magento developers, leaving no room for any glitches on user end. is a professional ecommerce website development company, offering unparalleled services worldwide. Get your business a highly functional and exciting ecommerce website today with