• Web Development Outsourcing and Related Benefits

    Apr 30, 2011

    Web metamorphosis, changing expansion strategies, diffusing cross boundaries, social media communities together with offshore outsourcing has altered the face of web world. The giant IT players and SMEs have come closer on an open platform to reap benefits from joint interaction.

    On the forefront, the economic downturn is creating an uneasy state in the IT industry. The dark clouds covering the global fiscal world is a threat to the shadowy ages of widespread unemployment, breaking into lumps and suicides. But if you go closer, one notices that it may turn out to be a blessing for firms that endow with offshore outsourcing since their strength lies in providing high quality, cost effective services to companies affected by slowdown.

    “Outsourcing” allows companies to reduce costs and enhance efficiency by shifting portions of work to suppliers rather than carrying it out internally. Offshore outsourcing in a collective form is a process of hiring an outside organization to perform business related functions.

    Here are some of the essential benefits of offshore outsourcing;

    Cost Effectiveness– Offshore outsourcing can curtail up to 50% of the overhead and operational costs that must be otherwise incurred in internal development. Outsourcing assists in providing quality services at effective costs. Moreover, your running costs are condensed since the offshore outsourcing firm takes entire responsibility of running costs.

    Risk-Sharing– One of the most significant sides of offshore outsourcing is that the risks can be shared in outsourcing any project. The specialized vendor helps you to plan the risk mitigating factors in an effective manner.

    Access to New Technology– Being the professional service provider in the industry, the companies are always updated with innovative and upgraded technologies. This not only allows you to serve the international clients better, but also put you ahead in front of your competitors.

    Improved FocusOutsourcing allows you to focus on your core business needs instead of worrying about internal resources to reach your goal. In bad times, companies are occupied in coping with the troubles surrounding the main operations and they would prefer not to be sidetracked by apparently minor yet imperative aspects of business.

    All these benefits of outsourcing strategies help a company to curtail the costs and improve business efficiency. By getting into the skilled pool of the outsourcing, you can largely expand the companys portfolio to offer better profile to your customers. Â This way, you not only save the costs, but also demonstrate your capabilities in providing superior services and have satisfied clients.

    In modern days, the following industries are big time into offshore outsourcing and the industry is growing by the day :

    Web Design and Development, including Drupal, Magento, Worpdress, Custom PHP etc.

    Search Engine Optimization, including Link Building Services, Articles Submission, Forum Posting, Blog Submissions, Directory Submissions

    Graphic Designing

    Content Writing

    Social Media Marketing

    Mobile Applications including iPhone / iPad application development, Android Applications Development, Blackberry Applications Development and WinMobile7 Development.

    The decision to outsource is completely left up to the business, and several factors need to be considered before making any decision. It is worth noticing that only offshore outsourcing firms can give benefits to their clients by offering skilled manpower, accurate processes and suitable quality controls.