• social media buttons for website

    7 Strong Reasons to Have Social Media Buttons on your Blog

    Sep 24, 2014

    If you need attention from your prospective customers, you need to use social media. The huge web of connections, friendships and relations on social media networks effectively promote and popularize a concept, an idea and a business.

    So, the key tactic is to get connected with the target audience and media buttons will ensure that you are just a click away from millions of prospective customers out there.

    Following are seven ways in which social media buttons can prove to be helpful for your website:

    1. Attract traffic to your Website

    Adding social media buttons on website helps in bringing more traffic to website. Whenever you share a link of any product or article on your social network, many people, including your friends and family, do click the link and visit the website. And if they like it or find it worth sharing, they further recommend it to a newer and a larger group of people. So your purpose is solved as your website is being visited by so many people.

    driving traffic to your website

    2. Improves Branding

    Social media buttons help in bringing more avenues for your online business and as it reaches to larger audiences, they become aware of your brand.

    The speed and pace of social media is much faster than any other method of branding. Branding with social media buttons also holds more significance, as it becomes personal for people, when the links are shared by their close friends or family.

    3. Better Presentation

    Social media buttons make your website look up to the date and convey that you are aware of the trends. However, it is very important that you know what social media sites you want to be connected with. You just can’t add buttons of all the social networks available. Not only that will make your page look cluttered but will also convey that you are not aware of the best and relevant for you.

    best social media tools

    Thus, planned position of a selected few social media icons is the best option. A cluttered page succeeds in inviting the confusion and disliking of the reader and nothing else. So it is wise to first choose the best sites that could be of help for your website or blog.

    For instance, if you are a technical website, Digg icon is a must have for you, while for a music website, MySpace button will be the best, along with few popular others. The name of relevant and popular site tends to change with time; like a few years back it was Orkut all over, while at present, its Facebook and Twitter that are the best platforms for promotions. In the same fashion, there might be something new after few years from now.

    4. Cost Effective Promotion

    There is almost no cost involved in adding the social media buttons on your website, at the same time they are effective tools of online promotion. The numbers showing the hits and clicks with the social media icons act as a proof for others, that the site is popular and visitors like it. With all other benefits of social media buttons on a website, the cost effective aspect is worth noticing.

    5. Get Rid of Advertising

    Social media buttons have largely reduced the headache of posting the ads on various online sites to attract more visitors. Online advertisement not only is an extra burden for the website owner, but also for the readers, who find the pop ups and other advertisements just disturbing. On the other hand, when they see any link shared by any of their friends on the news feed, they click the link out of curiosity and if they like it, they further share it for even a larger audience.

    6. Much larger Audience

    Think of a blog these days which does not show the social media icons, it will have a limited number of viewers, as in the fast paced life, who has the time to copy and paste the link to share with other people. Social media buttons make sharing easier and faster and thus, reaching to more and more people.

    7. Better Returns

    With larger audience, less cost involved, adding social media buttons indeed brings great returns for the website. A recent research has suggested that on Twitter, 20% of the tweets are of news organizations, that readers tweet. So, social media buttons work just great for news organizations.

    content marketing strategies

    The above mentioned survey results by emarketer clearly indicate that digital marketers agree that content shared through blogs and social community pages and social sharing buttons is highly effective. Social Media is a winner at 87%, hence proving the role it plays and the importance it has amongst the all content marketing strategies.

    There is no doubt that social media buttons can bring outstanding results for your website. Social share buttons just above and below the content are the most effective and convenient for the readers to hit.

    So if you want more people to share your content online, add social media buttons to website at various places and you are good to go!