Outsource Web Development

Web Development Outsourcing is a $20 Billion+
industry today. Have you joined the wagon yet?
The question is : Why Outsource Web Development?
  • Hire The Best & Experienced Talent
    Most organizations lack the necessary skills & expertise to create the perfect website application. This is the foremost reason why companies and individuals seek assistance from qualified partners offshore.

  • Reduce Production Costs
    Companies & freelancers in South Asia operate at a fraction of cost as compared to developed nations. With lower salaries and over heads, you save considerable amount of money in projects you outsource.

  • Reduce Management Burden
    Why not focus your attention 100% towards marketing and getting more business and leave the headaches of managing personnel to other companies, and ending up saving a lot of money?

Why techvoi for Outsourcing Web Development?

  • Exceptional Designing Capabilities

    With over 12 years of web designing experience, we know how to design world class websites that make you stand out of the crowd.

  • World Class Developers

    Backed by experience of over 10 years in Web Development, our developers don’t leave a stone unturned to develop exceptionally robust, sound and smooth-as-silk websites.

  • Reasonable Prices

    We are not the cheapest out there, but we are not expensive either. Doing projects just for the sake of it to earn bucks is not what we believe in. We like to feel proud of work we do.

  • Reliable Customer Care

    With clients in 22 countries across the globe, we know how to be flexible with our working hours so that no help call from any client doesn’t go unheard. Emails are responded to in a matter of minutes, not hours.

  • Dedicated Project Managers

    When you start a project with us, you get a single point of contact with a highly responsible, fluent in English and competent Project Manager who will be all ears to you at all times.

  • Professional Project Management

    We use Active Collab to manage our projects. Once the project starts, it is loaded on Active Collab where you are added too so that you can see progress on daily basis.

  • Direct Touch With The Team

    On Active Collab, you get to know daily progress on your project along with interaction between the team.You get all the liberty to intervene where you want and directly communicate with any of the members.

  • Regular Status Updates

    No guess works with us. At all times you will know the status of your projects along with likely finish date. If there’s a delay, you will be informed in advance with valid reasons so you know whats going on.

  • Awesome Support

    The process doesn’t end up with us finishing the job and you paying us. In fact, thats just the starting point. We prefer to stand by you when you taste success and offer all thel help whenever you need it.

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