• Social media trend

    Learn about the 7 Dominating Trends in the Social Media World

    Jul 18, 2014

    When you talk about online marketing, you cannot ignore the importance of a social media marketing firm. It has become the lifeblood of internet marketing and social networking sites make the process of connecting with people completely hassle free and cost effective. If you want a global reach for your business, you need to make use of the huge opportunities that different social networking sites offer. Take a look at the most dominating social marketing trends in 2014 (Based on the conclusions of 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report) :

    1) More Focus on Improved Exposure

    According to 2014 Social media marketing industry report, 92% of the internet marketers are of the opinion that they have succeeded in generating more exposure for their businesses with the help of social media efforts. For any type of business, exposure is the first thing that it needs and you can easily create highly dynamic business pages on various social networking sites to take your business exposure to a different level.

    2) Effective Use of Visual Assets

    Many people have realized the importance of using infographics and memes in their marketing efforts. The 2014 social media marketing industry report also says that around 70% of online marketers have enjoyed greater success due to the increased use of visual assets and it can be said without an iota of doubt that this trend is going to become more popular in the coming years.

    3) Increased use of Blogging

    More and more marketers have started focusing on blogging and it can be described as the biggest area for increase. According to the report, 68% of internet marketers have got better results because of their increased blogging activities. Many people are of the opinion that they want to increase their blogging activities on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube as well.

    4) Google + Takes the First Spot in the Interest List of Internet Marketers

    The industry report also says that 65% of the online marketers want to learn more about Google+. It is a clear indication of the fact that Google+ is going to play a more important role in the immediate future.

    5) Greater Importance for Podcasting

    The importance for podcasting has increased ever than before and it is going to get even higher. According to the report, only 6% podcast and 28% of internet marketers want to learn more about podcasting.

    6) Facebook Ads Rule

    The industry report says that 54% of the marketers rate Facebook as the most valuable network. Around 90% of the marketers use Facebook ads and LinkedIn stands second with 20%. Google is in third position with 17%.

    7) Assessing Social Media Return on Investment (ROI) Still Remains Complicated

    Many people do not know how to measure social media ROI. According to the study report, 89% of online marketers want to learn how to measure social ROI.


    You cannot promote your business successfully without the help of social media and it is always advisable to be alert and active about the latest trends and developments in the social media world. Better awareness about the above trends in the social marketing world will definitely compel you to believe in the value of adding social media buttons to website for your online marketing efforts.