• Wordpress Website Development

    Nightclub Photography Online, A WordPress based Photography Website

    May 03, 2013


    It is important for a photography website to carry the same feel and excitement that the niche offers. With this in mind, the WordPress developers at came up with an electrifying design for Nightclub Photography Online. Since the website deals in nightclub photography, we created a layout that is black with blue tones to give it the exact feel.


    Unlike standard WordPress developments, this one is unique in its own way. It comes with black background with electric blue and white fonts. Pictures and icons accompany the text to make the website more exciting.

    Home Page

    Visitors land directly on the Home page where they are with Nightclub Photography’s logo and slogan right on top forged in blue and white. Below the logo, there is an image of a nightclub and a photographer clearly explaining what the website is all about. Rest of the page is divided into three columns. The first column on the left has tabs to other pages, testimonials and places where the company has shot. The middle frame offers introduction and information about the business. The last column on the right offers a short registration form to join for photography tips.

    Other Pages

    Ultimate Nightclub Photography Guide: A page that offers important information regarding nightlife photography as a profession.

    Nightclub Photography Tips: As the name implies, the page offers tips and tricks for nightclub photography.

    Nightclub Photography Blog: A page leading visitors to the official blog of the website

    Reviews: The page contains reviews from customers

    FAQs: Talks about the website and the tips and tricks it offers

    About Us: The page merely talks about the company and its mission of aiding photographers.

    Contact: Offers contact information of the company.

    Overall, the website for Nightclub Photography was developed by our WordPress developers keeping in mind that it requires appeal and charm like none other.

    If you want a similar website for your business then hire WordPress developers from With our assistance, you will surely reach your potential goals with ease.