• Reasons of Failure to Convert Visitors on Professional Web Sites

    Jul 01, 2011

    A website is created with a definite aim or purpose that may vary as per individuals  or company’s profile. Some sites are created to spread awareness; some intend to sell products or services, or to enhance a companys identity.

    It takes a considerable amount of time and a dedicated web development team to create an attractive and credible web site.

    Everyday, a large number of websites are created and over 90% of these sites quietly disappear in almost no time. There are a plenty of reasons why websites fail to convert visitors and some of them are as follows:

    Ineffective Planning- People who fail to do strategic planning often lack visitors on their site. You must clearly know your prospective customer and their interests. You should know the right way to approach the audience and the approach to help them convert into serious buyers.

    Ideally, you must also know how to spread the endorsement through these buyers for your company. All this should be included in the early planning stages of your site. Website owners who lack planning are bound to fail in the later days of operation.

    Low Conversion – Most of the sales-oriented sites are created with the only objective of conversion. Here success is calculated by locating how many visitors end up signing for further information or actually buying something. Conversion can be ascertained on the basis of distinct factors like visitors to subscribers, visitors to sales, Click through links etc.

    If your website is appealing and has been well marketed, it would certainly enjoy a higher rate of conversion. Lack of proper positioning and sale approach can lead to the dropping conversion rates. This should be observed without any delays as it can leave you behind your opponent.

    Lack of Design Knowledge- a good web design company must be fully aware of what would sell. A designer must know about usability, marketing, conversion and compatibility issues. A website may appear good, but if it fails to tuck in money due to unworkable design is bound to fail.

    Lack of Accuracy- Many site owners put time and money into pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization and to fetch more number of visitors. Good optimization can bring the visitors to your site but can’t induce them to avail your product or services. An ideal site must stand for accuracy and relevance. Make sure that you use relevant keywords to promote your site.

    Poor Navigational Flow- There can be some fault in the navigational pour of your website. A website must ensure proper call to action, whether it is for clicking on a link, taking a subscription, filling out a form, adding a product to cart or anything for that matter.