• digital marketing for small businesses

    The Perks of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

    May 27, 2015


    You need to think again if you believe that digital marketing is not a big thing. Last year, ad spending on the internet surpassed advertising on cable and television networks. Traditional marketing is gradually losing its power as the multi-channel digital marketing gains popularity and is becoming the top choice of brands these days. It is the consumers that have spurred this interest in digital marketing. More than 72% of the consumers are using different digital marketing channels and activities for connecting with brands, but the strange fact is that even though most businesses and consumers are adopting this trend, small businesses have yet to do so.

    Contrary to what most entrepreneurs and small businesses believe, digital marketing isn’t that complicated. Many businesses have experienced and enjoyed the benefits it can offer and your business can do the same. Some of these great benefits are mentioned below:

    • Gone are the days when people have to search through directories or browse through pages of broadsheets when they wanted information about a product or service. Now, everything is easily available on the internet so customers find it easy to connect with businesses via digital or social media marketing.

    • Digital marketing allows small businesses to take advantage of higher conversion rates because they can reach out to targeted audiences and generate plenty of leads that can lead to conversion.

    • Small business owners will also find that digital marketing channels don’t require them to spend huge sums of money that are otherwise needed in traditional marketing methods, but can offer the same or even greater benefits.

    • With digital marketing, a business is able to offer its customers with real-time customer service and support. This is extremely valuable in their eyes and can go a long way in building and developing brand loyalty.

    • One of the most prominent benefits that have come to light regarding digital marketing is the access it provides to mobile consumers. Small businesses can now easily tap into this gargantuan market because 34% of all organic traffic is generated by mobile, so it has a lot of potential. A business that doesn’t have mobile presence can become irrelevant soon, especially after the mobile friendly ranking algorithm update by Google.

    • Convincing customers to buy your products and services isn’t really a piece of cake, especially in this highly competitive market. However, there are several digital marketing channels that you can use for driving the point home and prompting customers into purchasing from you. This can give your revenues a substantial boost.

    • As opposed to traditional marketing or even telemarketing, digital marketing has proven to generate a higher return on investment because it doesn’t cost much, but does provide you with results, provided it is done properly.

    • Another unique viewpoint is that digital marketing enables small businesses to compete with large corporations that would have otherwise managed to take over the entire market. Digital marketing channels even out the difference in size by giving everyone an equal opportunity to market their products and services to a huge market.

    A good post on digital marketing tips by Waqar Hassan, a social media and digital marketing expert, will help you learn the basic techniques of digital marketing. Following these rules, your business can easily enjoy the above-mentioned advantages of internet marketing.