• WordPress MU (Multi-User) Website for 360 Medical Billing Solutions

    Apr 22, 2013

    When it comes to IT billing solution providers, be it in the medical field or accounting, the need for a highly functional WordPress website cannot be overlooked. With this same set of mind, the WordPress developers at, developed an easy to navigate yet highly functional WordPress website for 360 Medical Billing Solutions using WPMU (WordPress Multi-User), a company offering different types of medical billing solutions to the masses.


    The website is complex yet user-friendly in its entirety. The entire theme is kept simple; blue and brown fonts with images and icons almost on every page. To sum it up, the entire WordPress design focuses on providing visitors as much information possible in the most concise manner.

    Home Page

    The Home page has a row of tabs on top with a slide show just below it. This slideshow offers images and content related to the company’s services. Similarly, below the slideshow, visitors will find three columns of information. The first column gives an overview of the company’s medical solutions. The second column gives an overview of the benefits of the company’s billing solutions. The third column offers payment options and featured projects from the company. At the bottom, there are testimonials and a short registration form for users to get updates and news from the company.

    Other Pages:

    About: The About page gives an overview of the company along with its billing solutions and their fees.

    Medical Billing Services: A page giving an overview of the services offered by the company.

    Consulting: A page offering information regarding medical billing services and consulting services offered by the company.

    Medical Billing Automation: The page offers a plethora of medical billing automation options by the company.

    Featured Cases: As the name implies, the page offers featured projects of the company.

    FAQ: This page has FAQs for users who have zero to minimal knowledge of the process of medical billing.

    – Testimonials: A simple page offering testimonials from clients.

    Video: A simple page offering a video tutorial to the entire process of the company.

    Podcasts: As the name implies, the page offers downloadable podcasts to users.

    Blog and Contact: The blog page takes you the official blog of the company while the contact page gives you contact information.

    Although the scope of the business was vast, our WordPress developers made it possible to shrink it down and fit it in a professional manner on a website.

    If you want a similar website for your business, can help you achieve your goals. All you need to do is hire WordPress developers of our firm and kickstart your online business!